Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! This year I am thankful for my family! I have a hardworking husband and three beautiful daughters! They will all be here tomorrow for the feast. I'm also thanking God that there will be a feast tomorrow.

I have a confession to make: I don't know how to cook that well! However, I have decided it's time to learn. I am not working at the moment so there is no better time than now. For Thanksgiving I will be making turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, dinner rolls, and two pies (apple and pumpkin). The stuffing will come from a box and the pumpkin pie filling will come from a can, but I will make everything else from scratch! I figure making the rolls and the pie crusts was stretching my skills far enough for now:) I have made turkey before so that really isn't a big deal. I'm also making deviled eggs. My kids love them! I will be amazed if everything turns out!

Big Holidays like this remind me of when I was a kid. The whole family and half the neighborhood would come to our house for dinner. Even though we didn't have much money, my mother always seemed to be able to throw together a huge holiday meal. She would start baking a week in advance. Pies, Breads, cookies, puddings, candy; she made it all. Dinner was always more like lunch because we would eat around one and then it was nap time. That evening we would eat leftovers and spend half the night playing games. My children will not be happy with me because tonight I will be hiding the computers! I can already see the looks on their faces when there are no computers to get on....I don't have anything against computers. I think they are a wonderful source for information and great way to express oneself, but Holidays are meant to spend together and I don't see being on a computer as a way to socialize with family. It's going to be an old fashion card night:)

Wish me luck! And to everyone out there, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

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