Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Same old; Same old

We went to court yesterday for the child custody hearing I posted about last time. Needless to say, I don't think we will be going anywhere for quite a while- bummer! The court hearing was a practical three ring circus. The biological mother went off on a tangent and the judge slapped her down. She then gave a horrific show of attitude to all parties involved, culminating in storming out with a security escort. Yes that turned out well in front of CPS and the child. To tell the truth, I was embarrassed! My stepdaughter seems to be taking it all in stride. In fact I tried to get her out of the court room at the beginning of the tirade and her response was she was mature enough to handle it and why does everyone insist on trying to say she can't? I explained to her that we were not saying she couldn't handle it, but because we love her and care about her we were trying to shield her from the things being said. Her response was heartbreaking because she said, "I guess I am just not used to anyone looking out for me!" How sad!!! I fear for this child. Although she is heartily upset by her mother at this point and pretty mad, there will come a time when she misses her mother and will wonder why her mother pretty much abandoned her.

On an entirely different note, I've decided if I am still in this trailer court come spring, I am putting in a garden and to heck with what management says....I'm already making a list of what I wish to grow. I haven't decided if I am going to try container planting or if I am going to direct sow. Container planting will probably not get me into as much trouble, but I don't know anything about container planting. And I would need quite a few containers for what I wish to grow.

Once again I am switching subjects. I'm feeling a little ADD today so please bear with me. I'm sure everyone has heard about the horrific shooting at Sandy Hook elementary in Connecticut. I can't imagine what those parents must be going through. I send my child off to school thinking she will be safe and come home to me at night, but with all the school shootings anymore what guarantee do any of us have that our children will come back to us safe and sound? I am to the point anymore where I have significant doubts about sending my child to school! I really think I am going to start doing some major research on homeschooling. I never considered homeschooling a realistic option because honestly I don't think I will make a very good teacher for my child as I struggle with math. However, upon further consideration and in light of the tragic events in Connecticut, perhaps it would be a safer option. After all I really don't think I can do worse than the inner city school here is doing! So yes I am going to research the options and what hoops I have to jump through ect. I will post about it afterwards. Wish me luck!

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