Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Backyard Chickens

Yeah for the city I live in....The city council just passed an ordinance allowing backyard chickens! Of course it would be just my luck that I live outside of the city in this stupid trailer park where I can't have chickens! Almost makes me want to move to the city! If it wasn't for the fact that there is a lot of violence there I probably would! At least there I could have a garden and chickens!

Anyway, each family is allowed to have six chickens; hens not any roosters. But it is a step in the right direction.

I've already decided when I get chickens I am going to get Delaware Chickens. They are a heritage breed chicken. I feel it is very important to save the rare and endangered species. The heritage breeds seem to have better foraging capabilities as well, which is important if you want to pasture feed. I want to pasture feed, because then I will know what my animals are eating.

When we get property the first animals I will try will be chickens. Once I get the hang of that I will move on. Chickens are suppose to be the easiest animals to take care of. Rabbits were also mentioned as one of the easiest animals to take care of, but I decided to start out with chickens because I love eggs! I can get eggs as well as meat out of the chickens, whereas with rabbits I can only get meat.

Well there I go; dreaming again!

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