Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Gun Control

I had to go see the prosecutor today. About two years ago, or maybe three now, I was a manager at a restaurant that was physically connected to a convenience store. My husband would drop me off for work at four-thirty every morning. My place didn't open until seven so I would go in and slowly prep everything. I would go out in front of the store part and smoke in the morning before opening too. The store part opened at five am and I would also bs with the cashier. This one day as I stopped over to bs with the cashier a guy comes in and robs the place at gunpoint! Because I was standing there I got dragged into the whole mess. I tell you I was never so scared in all my life and never so angry!

I grew up around guns. There were always guns and bullets in the house. Neither were ever locked up. They both resided in my mom's bedroom closet. Us kids knew better than to mess with the guns. We were taught respect for the damage they could do early on. We were also taught how to use the guns. When I was little I had a set of little metal pistols. They were toys, but that is where my training started. I was allowed to play with these guns, but whenever my mom caught me pointing them at someone, I was disciplined. After a few of these sessions I realized quickly enough if I didn't point the gun at a person I wouldn't get into trouble. And every time I was disciplined for it I was also told I could hurt someone; it didn't matter that it was a toy- I didn't know how it worked and weather there was anything in the barrel to come flying out when I pulled the trigger and how would I feel if I hurt one of my friends? So yeah I was taught from a very young age to never point a gun at another person and if I did my mother would show me quite physically the error of my ways!

When this guy pointed the gun at me, I was scared because I didn't know if it was loaded or not. I didn't know if he would pull the trigger or not. For all I knew he was a psychopath who got his rocks off by shooting people. And I was angry because there was nothing I could do about it. Yeah after the robbery there were all these people popping off about how they would have kicked the guys ass ect. ect. My answer to this was, "well you guys are braver than me; I must have left my balls in my other pants!" But the truth of the matter is when someone pulls a gun on you, you aren't going to do anything but what they tell you to do as you wonder how your family is going to get on without you and if you will make it out alive. Perhaps if the guy had been distracted or whatever I would have done something, but he never even glanced away from us and I could spend a lifetime wondering about would've, should've, and could've.

Gun control is a big issue now with all the school shootings. Don't get me wrong, I feel for these people who have lost their children and I can only imagine what they are going through. However, I truly believe criminals don't register their guns so they can go on a killing rampage or so they can commit a string of robberies. The idea of more gun control making these atrocious acts harder to commit is shear folly! You cannot take our right to bare arms away from us and expect that to make the crime better because we are not the ones committing the crimes. The criminals committing the crimes have other ways to get guns. I think the better idea is to allow our teachers to have guns in school to protect our children! Or another idea is to homeschool our children.

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