Sunday, January 13, 2013

Memories of Country Living- The seance

I decided to tell some of the stories from my childhood. My kids find them very entertaining and so I thought maybe someone else would appreciate the imagination it took to get into some of these predicaments. I will post one story and then maybe more later.

I was a very imaginative and dramatic child. I just thought I should admit to it right up front:) We lived in a valley in the middle of no where. My dad died when I was around ten and left us a big old farm house. The house was over a hundred years old and there were all kinds of stories about it being haunted. To tell you the truth, we swore my father was haunting the place because in the silence of the night I swear you could hear his shuffling footsteps across the floor. Ok enough back ground information and on to the story.

For some reason my mother was not at home. It was me and the two neighbor girls. When I say neighbors I mean their house was at least a quarter of a mile away and they were the closest. I can't remember for the life of me where my mother was at. She didn't leave me home alone overnight very often, but for some reason, she wasn't there and neither was my older sister. It was just me and the two neighbor girls. Now you have to picture these girls. One was two or three years older than me. She was quite chubby and we will call her TLS. The other girl was my best friend and two years younger than me and we will call her SAS. So here it was all dark outside, no one but us three very bored girls at home.

Like all good hostesses, I did not want my guests to be bored and so I came up with the bright idea of having a seance. I hope I spelled that right! Anyway, what did I know about having a seance? Why nothing other than what I had seen on tv. Yes tv really does influence children:) So I decided we would have this so called seance in my bedroom in the upstairs of the house. All seances have to have a candle, right? So I found one of those. We placed it on the floor, sat around it in a circle and lit it. Next I told them we had to hold hands, which we did. Then I made up words in a chant. I told them we would call my father back to talk to us because SAS was afraid of demons. So after my chanting, I said, "Dad, if you are here give us a sign!" I then blew gently on the candle flame unbeknownst to my two friends. I tell you I never seen two chubby girls move so fast, nor have I ever heard two girls scream so loud! They were off the floor and down the steps before I took another breath. When I finally caught up to them, I was laughing and told them it was just the wind and so we needed to try again. I actually talked them into it. So again we went up the steps to the room. Repeated the steps above. After the chanting, I said, "Dad, if you are here give us a sign!" I then, unbeknownst to my two friends, blew the candle out! They were tripping over each other to get out of there. They ran down the steps, through the living room, dining room, and kitchen to the door. They were trying to open the door to get out, but the door opened inward and they were pushing each other so hard against the door that the door would not open. There was a little corner right next to the door hidden from the other side by the refrigerator where the garbage can was. The whole time they were trying to get the door opened, they were screaming. I figure the door not opening made their terror worse because they did not realize it was their weight on the door causing the door to not open; they probably thought the spirit of my father was holding them captive in the house! When they couldn't get the door open they went the only other available route which was into the corner where the garbage was. Not only did they go into the corner, but they went right into the garbage and one of them, I forget which one, peed themselves!

I wasn't a mean child, really I wasn't! I was just a bored child with a slightly dramatic and highly productive imagination. And yes I did apologize to them; years later, but it was an apology. We still get together when we can and we laugh together over all these wonderful memories we have.

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