Sunday, January 13, 2013

Odds and Ends

It's been quite a while since my last post. My step-daughter now has a new cps worker assigned to her and trying to get in touch with this woman is like trying to make a phone call to the white house! She doesn't take calls and doesn't return them either apparently. In the mean time we are just hanging out in limbo, I guess. My poor step-daughter is still waiting to get her stuff from her mother as was ordered by the court. The worker has called me twice and left messages for the biological mom! But I can't seem to get her to return my calls. When my stepdaughter had to leave her mother's house, she left with one change of clothes and that was it. The bio mom has not given her any of her stuff. What kind of mother does that? The bio mom has refused visits with her daughter and has pretty much disowned her. There are some gruesome allegations coming from my stepdaughter, but I can't really get into detail because of confidentiality issues.

Things are getting really hard now though because my husband is spending a crap ton of money on gas to pick his daughter up, bring her to our house for a few hours, and then take her back to her grandparents house where cps has temporarily place her. He is also responsible for all the insurance co-pays. There are three 20 dollar co-pays a week and that is just for his daughter. I'm out of my glaucoma medicine and have been for a few weeks, but there just isn't anything we can do right now. We are again behind in the rent! I don't know what we are going to do. It's almost time for income taxes, but they won't get here soon enough! I told my husband to get a hold of the cps worker and tell her that we want to move to Pennsylvania because of our circumstances and maybe she could hurry this stuff along to help us out, but once again we have to be able to actually talk to the woman before we can tell her anything. grrr I am so frustrated!

On a better note, I love having my stepdaughter around again. With everything she has been through you would think she would be a raving lunatic right now, but she is pretty strong and smart! She is interested in moving to the country as well. She is into crafts big time. She sews, quilts, knits, draws, and paints. We have talked extensively about sustainability and being as self reliant as possible and she seems to agree with my views.

Just so you know, I have a daughter in her twenties who is married, but has no children yet. She graduated from college, but is still working a minimum wage job for a retail store because she hasn't been able to find a job in her field yet. She lives with her husband with his parents because our trailer isn't big enough for all of us. I will refer to her as G. Then of course is the middle child. The one I was talking about above who is in her mid teens. She is strong, pretty, and smart! I will refer to her as A. Our third child is ten. She is strong, pretty, smart, and hyper as a month old puppy! I will call her V. Yes we have all girls; my poor, poor husband!

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